Sunday 5 January 2020

Bookish Resolutions 2020

So I'm supposed to be doing housework but got a bit sidetracked. Happy New Year  to all my bookish friends.

What are your bookish resolutions for 2020? Here are a few of mine.

1. Read, read and read some more. It's the best thing out.

2. Set a reading goal on the Goodreads app but hey don't bust a gut to achieve it. Last year I set a very small goal and didn't achieve it but what does it matter.

3. Read books by authors you enjoy... Cue Sophie Kinsella... I read the ninth book in her Shopaholic series and loved it so much I have been trawling secondhand bookshops and Book Depository buying the rest of the series as I've never read any of the other books. These books make me laugh out loud which leads me on to my next resolution.

4. Don't read depressing books. Life's too short.

5. Don't try to finish a book that you're not enjoying. Life's too short.

6. When loved ones gift you book vouchers don't rush out and spend the vouchers on books you don't end up reading. Wait patiently to purchase a book you know you're likely to enjoy.  I mean you have a year or two to spend said vouchers. I didn't achieve this resolution in 2019 so here's to 2020.

7. Use the new release section of my library more. $3 is a lot cheaper than spending $30 or $40 on a book that you may not end up enjoying.

Here's to 2020 being a year of great reading! 

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